misagh vaseghi

Founder Of Coverdale

“Misagh is the Founder of Coverdale Translation

and services, a sincere company with an unwavering vision.

He is based in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

He is responsible for Coverdale’s overall growth strategy, financial targets, operational efficiency and transformation to ensure substantial growth across the Coverdale business.”



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Danica Sibug Simon

Executive Director
+971 50 778 6594

Khaled Shaikhzadeh

Khaled Shaikhzadeh

Public Relations
+971 50 778 6263

Mandana Jalilzadeh

Mandana Jalilzadeh

Customer Relations
+971 50 778 6892

Amir Mehrabi

Amir Mehrabi

 Digital Marketing
+971 50 407 3097